Evil things
Things that are evil:
- The thing that will not be said
- tinfoil
- doors
- carpets
- plastic bags
- anything inside a plastic bag
- yarn
- milk tags
- window screens
- loose tea
- glasses
- boxes of kleenex
- shoelaces
- pens
- tape
- bobby pins
- computer mouse
- blinds
- kitty litter scoop
- cupboards
- toes
- fingers
- Jen's scalp
- loom
- answering machine
- hairballs
We support your list!
And would like to add that Bears Baitin' is also evil!
OK Solidaritoo!
I have an addition to your evil things list, that I feel must be added as my pets feel the need to use it on me.....spray bottle!! Can you believe it!
*Paw in the air*
see rule #1, Rules of Blog posting. Newt, I feel your pain. Spawnkitties supports those fighting the good fight. Stay strong!
I must apologise for my use of profanity, I am new to the blog thing and as my pet is away at work I am also new to the computer thing... I will never again break rule number 1.
In solidarity'
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